Quantum Neurology focuses on identifying and addressing how your muscles and nervous system function together. Through manual muscle testing, practitioners like Dr. Campbell assess whether muscles are activating properly—turning on and off as they should.
Our chiropractor describes it as “going a level deeper,” noting that stabilizing muscles ensures spinal adjustments last longer and symptoms reduce more quickly.
Integration with Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic adjustments target alignment, but if muscles cannot stabilize the corrected areas, the benefits may fade. Quantum Neurology complements chiropractic work by ensuring that muscles are functioning optimally post-adjustment. “We’re trying to get your body to help us, as opposed to fight against us,” Dr. Campbell explains.
Tools like red light therapy and manual muscle testing are used to achieve this synergy, making adjustments more effective and recovery faster.
Why Patients Benefit from This Cutting-Edge Approach
Many patients are surprised by how interactive and effective Quantum Neurology is. “It’s a way we can literally talk to your body, kind of asking it what’s wrong,” Dr. Campbell shares. Muscle testing acts as a mini-exam during each visit, offering real-time feedback on how your body is progressing.
The approach reduces the need for multiple adjustments and empowers patients to take an active role in their healing journey.
What to Expect in a Session
A welcome benefit of Quantum Neurology is it’s hands-on and gentle. Through simple resistance tests, Dr. Campbell pinpoints imbalances and uses manual techniques to correct them. This personalized, non-invasive approach makes it a comfortable option for those new to chiropractic care.
We view Quantum Neurology as more than a technique; it’s a partnership with your body to achieve deeper, longer-lasting healing. Whether you’re dealing with chronic issues or seeking preventative care, this innovative method ensures a holistic recovery experience.
Get Started today
Experience for yourself the benefits by booking an appointment at The Healthy Place today.